
 Ill Mark Brainliest if you answer correctly. The figure below shows a shaded circular region inside a larger circle:A shaded circle is shown inside another larger circle. The radius of the smaller circle is labeled as r and the radius of the larger circle is labeled as R. On the right side of the image is written r equal to 4 inches and below r equal to 4 inches is written R equal to 5 inches.What is the probability that a point chosen inside the larger circle is not in the shaded region? 24% 36% 50% 64%

Accepted Solution

First we have to find the areas of both circle using the formula[tex] Area = \pi r^2 [/tex]For larger circle, [tex] Area= \pi(5)^2 = 25 \pi [/tex]For smaller circle,[tex] Area = \pi (4)^2 = 16 \pi [/tex]Required probability[tex] = \frac{25 \pi -16 \pi}{25 \pi} *100 = \frac{9}{25}*100 = 36% [/tex]Correct option is the second option .